This is my beautiful Best-Friend Jennifer. Eat your heart out boys! .jpg)
This is me and my friend Teresa. I met her in 7th grade choir. She is super sweet and nice! 
This is my awesome, super cool, totally groovy friend Casey!! She works with me, and she is so AWESOME!! 
This is another pic of Jennifer. She looks so purdiful!! 
This is Amanda again. I really like this picture as well! 
This is me and Jen this summer at one of those sticker photo booths. I hate this pic cus my hair was so long and now its all cut off :( 
This is my friend Lauren who lives in TX. 
This was taken when I was 14. Me and Amanda. Taken at Fiesta Texas. 
Another pic taken at Fiesta Texas. I guess I was mad at lauren considering I am flicking her off, but I dont remember why 
|  | Here's me and Jennifer's sister Amanda. Aren't we cute? 

This is me and Jennifer acting like the dorks we are, and smiling for the camera with limes in our mouths. Don't ask me what we were thinking. I don't even think we know! This is Amanda and Jen. I love this pic. 

This is my friend Adam, *Mr.Sexy* LOL This is my Really Good friend of 5 years Misty! 
This is a pic of Amanda and Me taken this summer. It looks kinda weird though, because of the fact I had decorated and put it in my scrap albulm and then scanned it! 

Misty and Jennifer New Years Eve 96'. Jennifer when she was about 13 or 14 getting ready to go to one of our 6th grade dances! 
Jennifer, Me, and Amanda, getting ready to go to Rocky Horror 